Stencil and Stitch

-By April

Working with paint on fabric is a great way to loosen up, get messy and have fun.

You may remember the stamped project on the blog last summer.  I wanted to try stenciling and work with the Jacquard Textile paints in a different manner.

All set up in process. Notice the stencil has that space around it…that is to help with spacing the pattern repeat.

 My trial run fabric, a piece of osnaburg, which is inexpensive and still has some nice texture.


 Went back over the edges with a sashiko style stitch.

Some of the triangles I left intentionally less painted.  I had a great time going back over those not so solid stencils and went all in on the stitching.

Some basics if you want to try stenciling.

  • Start with a solid surface and cover it to protect your surface from paint bleed through.
  • The stencil shown here is made from cardboard covered in painters tape.  (There are many ways in which to make stencils, do what works best for you.)
  • Tack down the fabric onto the surface on the edges with painters tape to keep it secure during the stenciling process.
  • I used a combination of sponge brush and paint brush to fill in the stencils.  I also used paper towels to dab blobs of paint to get more even color.
  • Apply pressure to the edge of the stencil while filling it in to get a cleaner edge.


We have a full pallet of paint colors available here at the shop.  Also check out our selection of embroidery supplies. Need more help? There are several books in stock to get you inspired.