Just In: Organic Flannels and Patterns

by Cameron

If you follow us on Instagram (and I totally recommend you do for up to the minute sewing news! We’re @boltfabricpdx), you might have noticed that we’ve added some new pattern lines to our arsenal.

We have a selection of Named Patterns from Finland, including a great pair of overalls and stylish bomber jacket.

Bonjour Teaspoon offers cute, but not too sweet, styles for tweens. They’re versatile, simple, and contemporary. They also offer some great accesories including two hat patterns!

Liesl & Co. have been offering great patterns for kids (you might know the as Oliver & S) and adults, and we’re so happy to be caring her printed patterns now. We have the ever popular Everyday Skirt - a simple gathered skirt for, you guessed it, everyday wear. We’re also carrying a knit top, a lovely tunic/dress pattern, and a short wrap skirt.

We also have new patterns from Grainline and Thread Theory. Stay tuned for some menswear samples on the blog and in the store!

If you’ve been admiring the lovely pajama sample in our window, we have more of the organic fox print flannel, plus elephants and multiple color ways, in stock now. Come by before it all flies off the shelves!