Good Hand Studio: Classes for the Younger Ones

Our good friend and former Bolt team member Heather Anderson has been teaching classes for the younger set for the past year. She offers a range of opportunities for kids to expand their skills at her in-home studio. Heather is an amazing teacher, sewist, and designer. She has articulated an impressive list of skills to be learned in her classes. Read on to hear from Heather in her own words and be sure to check for her latest schedule of classes, and subscribe for updates on the contact page!

How did you get started with teaching?

I saw a need in my community. Parents of my kids’ friends would often ask where their kids could learn to sew. For a long time I would give them names of a few places around town. After a while a few friends suggested I should offer classes and I decided to go for it. I invested in some machines, re-arranged my studio and dove right in.

You have a certain passion for sewing and creating. From where do you draw your passion?

I was just born that way, I think. My parents were both artistic and I grew up creating and working with my hands a lot. When I make things, I feel a sense of wholeness.

What are some of your favorite aspects of teaching kiddos?

Knowing that I’m giving them an opportunity to find the same joy in creativity that I experienced as a kid. The sense of pride and accomplishment they show is pretty wonderful to see. I enjoy getting to know each kid too. They really make me laugh.

What can the kids expect to learn?

They learn technical skills such as how to use a sewing machine, how to backtack, what a seam is, why we clip corners, etc. And they practice fine-motor skills when pinning fabric together, cutting in a straight line and putting elastic through casings, for example. Broader lessons include: learning to be confident in your decisions (choosing fabric), learning patience (order of operations) and problem solving (project construction and engineering), learning that it’s okay to make mistakes (pull out the seam ripper) and that essentially, you learn all things by trial and error. Most of all they learn what goes into the creation of many things they buy.

What are some of your favorite projects you've worked on in class?

My favorite projects have been drawstring backpacks, sun hats and shorts. The kids just can’t believe they can make these things for themselves.

Will you be continuing with after school classes once the school year starts? 

Yes! I am working on the schedule now. I hope to offer classes for homeschooling students during the day as well. And I’ll be offering workshops on Saturday mornings once a month or so.

Thank you Heather for taking the time to tell us more! Heather is continuing to grow her class schedule, so check back in with her class schedule to see what's new.