Weekend Project : Make it over with Oilcloth

by April

Spring is creeping up here in Portland, time for spring cleaning and a little make over in the pantry.

This is a great project to spruce up a blah space and add a pop of color in the kitchen.  Oilcloth wipes down easily, all you have to do is cut it to size and lay it down.

I am not getting new counter tops any time soon and the thought of painting the cupboard is daunting. I opted for a quick cover up that was easy and fun. My scraps doubled as bookmarks for the most used recipes in my go to cookbook.


In minutes I was able to make over my pantry. If you want to make this cover up more permanent, try folding the oilcloth over the edge of the shelf and taping or stapling it underneath your shelving.

Oilcloth is also great for table cloths, instant gratification, no sewing needed. A new batch of patterns arrived in the shop this week, some funky and a few more traditional patterns.  Stop in, shop, chop, voila!